Gut Health and Understanding Why Superfoods are Crucial for a Healthy Gut


Why Are Superfoods So Important for a Gut Healing Diet?

Gut health is a form of wellness that many people might not always pay enough attention to. The obvious but not always so obvious part of it is that it can seriously impact your wellness goals and quality of life. You can tell if you have a problem with your gut health if you constantly deal with diarrhea, bloating, nausea, constipation, and digestive upsets. The fiber, antioxidant properties, and anti-inflammatory abilities of superfoods can help rebuild gut flora in the long-term. This is a great reason to look into more superfoods for gut health. Here are a few tips for cutting out foods.


  • Figure Out Which Foods are Inflammatory (FODMAPs)

Some foods are known to be inflammatory without even knowing they are. These are best to either avoid or watch when you eat to see if you get negative side effects. Check out the FODMAPS’s resource to help you determine what foods to avoid according to gut health.

Resources: FODMAP’s -

  • Try The Elimination Diet

A good way you’ll be able to discover what foods are wreaking havoc in your gut is to eliminate them and slowly introduce one by one.


  • Implement Clean Food Swaps for Your Favorite Foods

A great idea to swap something is to find a good alternative. Trying to go dairy-free, try a hot chocolate made with Raw Cacao. If you are finding that your protein is causing issues you’d want to try a clean protein like our Grass-Fed Whey Protein


  • Drink Teas to Cut Cravings 

Teas are great ways to cut cravings. Teas that are good for your stomach are Chamomile, Peppermint, Turmeric, Ginger, etc. 



That’s a no brainer! Eating a variety of superfoods that run the spectrum of colors will provide your body with balanced vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. 

Your gut will thank you!

Trying these methods will gear you to the right direction on how to start caring for your gut. It’s a great way to keep optimum health and wellbeing. Once your gut is happy, you will be too! Do you have a gut health diet that works for you? Let us know in the comments!