5 Easy Tips That Can Help Guide You to a Better & Healthier Lifestyle


Find Meaning in Your Daily Life 

What is the reason you are here today? As a little reminder, tomorrow is unknown and yesterday is already gone. This first step requires nothing more than just to ponder on your purpose. Sounds easy enough? Meditating and pondering is a great way to find gratitude in the person you are and where you are today. It’s all you need to instantly feel better. Remember; happiness comes from within!

Let Go of What Doesn’t Make you Happy

In today’s busy world, it’s easy to forget about what actually makes us happy. It’s almost like we go on an autopilot day after day. Take a step back and reevaluate your daily schedule, relationships, and see what you need to change to keep yourself feeling good. Refreshers like this are necessary in a periodically. If you believe you need to change something then, plan it and problem solve. Maybe, it’s adding a fitness class to take care of your body more or cancelling plans ahead of time that aren’t necessary and staying in to recharge.

Create a List

Lists can bring clarity into what you want to focus on. Create a list and visit it each day to make sure you are living intentionally.

Create Goals 

Use the S.M.A.R.T goal setting system. Whether it’s losing 5 lbs in the next couple months, eating healthier, or making more time for yourself and your family. Set the goal and be specific on how you are going to make changes. You can make a vision board and set it next to your bed or somewhere you frequently go to for a reminder to stick to your goals.

Clean Up Your Kitchen, Closets, Car Etc.

It may sound trivial but it works! Do it the Marie Kondo way. It’s proven that cleanliness brings joy. If it doesn’t make you happy then get rid of it. You don’t have to be drastic. If the occasional snack is what you need then indulge once in a while but be mindful. Just make sure you don’t have the guilt that can spiral into bad habits again. Slowly transition to finding better alternatives for your favorite snack. See our recipes for guilt-free smoothies or snacks that will leave you just as satisfied.

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